
Friday, October 28, 2011

H20 + Killer Stair-Master Workout

This morning I met my Daddy-O at the Gym at 4:45 {YIKES!}

I. Was. Tired. I was glad to be there!

{Thank goodness I have someone to meet there or else I wouldn't go.}

So if you need a little motivation to get the gym...GET A FRIEND to meet you there! Believe helps!

We worked out our backs and triceps! My Dad told me to do a pull-up...uh… ya right! I can't even do one. But I will get there eventually.

I did a killer 30 minutes stair master {stair stepper, whatever you call it} workout that I put together so that it wouldn't be such a drag.

At the end I had burned a little over 350 calories! Woah!

Here it is:

{The stair stepper levels are in steps per minute but in case your gym levels by levels, I will include that too}

Note: Make sure you have water and a towel close by! YOU WILL NEED IT!!!


{total 30 mins}
Steps or Level
Feet Position
Duration {minutes}
1:00-10:0065 steps or level 4Every other step10:00 Warm-up but should be sweating by 5 minutes
10:00-11:00110 steps or level 10Every step forward1:00Needs to be hard
11:00-13:0065 steps or level 4Every step forward2:00
13:00-14:00110 steps or level 10Every step forward1:00
14:00-16:0065 steps or level 4Every step forward2:00
16:00-17:00110 steps or level 10Every step forward1:00Keeps Abs Tight
17:00-19:0065 steps or level 4Every step forward2:00
19:00-20:00110 steps or level 10Every step forward1:00Last one! Lean forward and squeeze your buttocks!!!
20:00-21:0065 steps or level 4Every other step1:00Drink water! This blue zone is not as hard but should be harder than yellow zone
21:00-22:0065 steps or level 4Every step forward1:00
22:00-23:0065 steps or level 4Every step- turn sideways and cross feet {left over right} like the grapevine1:00Hold on!

Concentrate on outer thighs
23:00-24:0065 steps or level 4Every step forward- feet wide apart1:00Feel the burn in your bootay!
24:00-25:0065 steps or level 4Every step- turn other side and cross feet {right over left} like the grapevine1:00
25:00-26:0065 steps or level 4Every other step1:00Last 5 minutes…almost done!
26:00-27:0065 steps or level 4Every step forward1:00Keep Abs Tight! This could be an abs workout too!
27:00-28:0065 steps or level 4Every step- turn sideways and cross feet {left over right} like the grapevine1:00
28:00-29:0065 steps or level 4Every step forward- feet wide apart1:00Squeeze buttocks! Lean forward a little bit!
29:00-30:0065 steps or level 4Every step- turn other side and cross feet {right over left} like the grapevine1:00
30:00-32:00-cooldown45 steps or level 2/3Every step forward2 or so Done! Done! Done!


{You can alter the steps/levels to be slower or faster. But in the red zone you should be dripping sweat so PUSH YOURSELF!!!}

SO….What do you think? Well it is AWESOME!!! And it makes 30 minutes go by fast!

Try it out and let me know how you like it!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Schweaty Treadmill Workout

6 days a week I work out! It has worked for me the past 4 months and now I am ADDICTED!

Here's my week in layout:
Monday- Run 30 minutes 3ish miles
Tuesday- Lower body weight workout/Treadmill or Stair master 30 minutes
Wednesday- Run 30 minutes 3ish miles
Thursday- Chest, Shoulders, Triceps weight workout/ Treadmill or Stair Master 30 minutes
Friday- Back, Biceps/ Treadmill or Stair Master 30 minutes
Saturday- Long run 8-10 miles
Sunday- REST+Cheat Meal {Favorite Day}

This morning I met my dad at 5:00 AM {eek!} at the Gym and we warmed-up on treadmill for 5 minutes
Then we worked out our Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps. I would list our whole workout but I can't remember the machines that we used.

After I do my weight training, I always do 30 minutes of Cardio.

I found this great treadmill workout on fitnessista's blog {amazing blog for great recipes and workouts}
IT WAS HARD!!! It was so good though. Treadmills are so boring to me, but this was not boring.
I was a little tough for me so next time I will probably start out my speed a little bit slower than what she listed.

Here is it:

Schweaty August Cardio Workout 

{click on link to go to original post on Fitnessista}

Something to do: Schweaty August Cardio Workout! This one is a combo of rolling hills and speed intervals, to get your booty burning and blast a lot of calories in 30 minutes. As always, check with a doc before making any fitness changes and modify the workout as necessary to suit your fitness level and preferences.

You can use an elliptical, spin bike or treadmill for this one:

[I designed the workout with a treadmill, but if you’re using a spin bike or elliptical use the incline as guidelines of how to increase each minute for the rolling hills, and for sprinting, make sure to have some resistance on there, too]
Time Speed Incline
0:00-4:00 3.5-4.0mph 2.5%
4:00-5:00 4.0 (walk) or 5.5 (jog) 4.0%
5:00-6:00 4.0 (walk) or 6.0 (jog) 6.0%
6:00-7:00 4.0 (walk) or 6.5 (run) 8.0%
7:00-8:00 3.8 (walk) or 5.5 (jog) 10.0%
8:00-9:00 4.0 (walk) or 6.5 (run) 8.0%
9:00-10:00 4.0 (walk) or 6.0 (jog) 6.0%
10:00-11:00 4.0 (walk) or 5.5 (jog) 4.0%
11:00-12:00 4.0 (walk) or 5.5 (jog) 2.5%
12:00-12:45 Sprint!!! As fast as you can go 2.5%
12:45-14:15 Recover 2.5%
14:15-15:00 SPRINT! 2.5%
15:00-16:30 Recover 2.5%
16:30-17:15 SPRINT! 2.5%
17:15-19:00 Recover 2.5%
19:00-20:00 SPRINT! (This is a long one, but the last one- make it count, but pace yourself) 2.5%
20:00-22:00 Recover 2.5%
22:00-27:00 Steady state- quick pace. Walk 4.0-4.2mph or run/jog 6.0-6.5mph 2.5%
27:00-30:00 Cooldown. Bring your pace down each minute, until you’re walking slowly and your heart rate is down. (This may take longer than 3 minutes, and that’s ok. Keep walking until you’re cooled down) 2.5%

Hope you try it out and let me know how you did!

P.S. 4th day on meal plan and it's going great! I haven't cheated and I feel amazing and skinny!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Meal Plan from AZ Pro Physiques

So here's the scoop.... This diet is H.A.R.D. {From last post}

Please tell me if you were able to do this for longer than 3 days because I sure couldn't.
Too much Chicken and I need my carbs and sugar.

Not a good diet for me!

BUT! This is not the end of dieting!

By the way, when I say "diet" I mean it in a positive way! It's a word that describes my meals plans on a day to day basis because... IF I FAIL TO PLAN, I PLAN TO FAIL!!!

So...I am going back to my meal plan that I have done in the past that has helped me to lose 20 lbs in about 2 months.

Here it is:

Option 1: 1 whole egg (omega 3) and 2 whites with one packet Quaker Lower Sugar oatmeal
Option 2: Blended Protein Smoothie (1 scoop whey protein) with ½ cup berries
Option 3: 1 whole eggs (omega 3) and 2 whites and 1 slice Ezekiel bread (Trader Joe’s, Sprouts) topped with I can’t believe it’s not butter spray, ½ cup berries
Option 4: Protein pancakes (1/4 cup quick oats or Quaker flavored oatmeal packet, 1/2 cup egg whites, 2 tbsp vanilla protein, cinnamon and splenda) may use spray butter and Walden Farms no calorie syrup.

AM Snack
Option 1: 1 scoop whey protein mixed with water and 15 nuts (may eat cashews, almonds, walnuts and they may be salted) or 1 tbsp all natural peanut butter or almond butter
Option 2: Atkins “Endulge” Bar – flavor of your choice (max calories 150 and max carbs 6g)
*or similar protein bar just follow the rules on calories and carbs

Option 1: 3 oz chicken or ground turkey, ½ cup steamed veggies, ¼ cup brown rice and soy sauce
Option 2: 3 oz turkey breast, chicken or canned chicken with 1 slice of whole wheat bread or Ezekiel bread with mustard, lettuce, cucumbers and tomato.
Option 3: 3 oz chicken (shredded), 2 Mission whole-wheat Carb Balance tortillas, and 2 tbsp salsa, 1 tbsp fat free cheese if desired.
Option 4: 3 oz chicken or canned chicken on a salad with Newman’s Own Lite salad dressing. and medium apple or 2 small dates. 

PM Snack
Option 1: 1 scoop whey protein mixed with water and 15 nuts (may eat cashews, almonds, walnuts and they may be salted) or 1 tbsp all natural peanut butter or almond butter

4 oz lean protein (chicken, ground turkey, or white fish), and ½ cup steamed veggies with spray butter and medium salad if you would like (2 tbsp low cal, low fat dressing) Newman’s Own Lite salad Dressings are recommended.

*If you have a sweet craving after dinner you can have one of the following; sugar free/fat free Jell-O or pudding snack, 2 Hershey kisses. If you don’t need it don’t eat it!


Additional Info

  • Drink a minimum of 1 gallon of water a day. This is a MUST! If you don’t do this, your body will not be able to properly make the changes needed. Think of drinking water as a marathon, not a sprint - you have to drink it throughout the entire day instead of chugging it all at night. Find your mid-day point and make sure you’ve drunk half a gallon by then.
  • Weigh and measure ALL your food. Buy a cheap food scale at the grocery store.
  • Pick one or two days in the week that you cook and prepare your meals in advance
  • Make sure to eat every 3 to 4 hours. No sooner, no later.
  • Keep a daily food journal. I may need to review it during the process.
  • At least 4 times a week wake up and do cardio for 30 minutes on an empty stomach.
  • Stick to the plan! 

CONDIMENTS INCLUDE: Mustard, soy sauce, seasonings, herbs, cinnamon, splenda or sweetener of your choice, I can’t believe it’s not butter spray, Pam cooking spray, hot sauce, and fat free balsamic vinaigrette.

DRINKS INCLUDE: coffee (no cream), ice tea (unsweetened), PowerAde zero, crystal light, diet soda (limit to one per day, only if needed), lots and lots of water (up to 1.5 gallon per day), no alcohol.

**One cheat meal a week after being on the diet for two weeks- Cheat meal rules** It must be a whole meal. Ex: chicken with pasta, hamburger with fries, Sushi rolls etc… Also it must be the last meal of the day and on the same day every week. Friday or Saturday nights are good options.

P.S. For salads-Just greens (romaine, spinach) and for vegeatables-only broccoli, asparagus, or green beans. 

Take and omega-3 pill with each meal.

For Protein shakes- I buy some from AZ Pro Physiques that has no sugar or carbs and is low in calories. So just make sure that you are getting one that isn't loaded with carbs and sugars. Most of them are.

I know that this diets sounds strict or impossible but I will testify that this diet is absolutely amazing! I have known 3 other people in my immediate family that have followed this diet and have lost 15-30 pounds each. I have felt so good on this diet! I have been doing it again for the past 3 days and I feel healthy and thin! Yay! Don't we all want to feel that way?

And by the way, I give 100% credit to my trainer Whitney from AZ Pro Physiques Check out their website...they awesome healthy recipes. But Whitney gave me my meal plan and I would see her twice a week to workout. 

 Whitney Jones 
Co-Owner, IFBB Fitness Pro
Personal Trainer

She's the best trainer in the world and has changed my life forever!
By the way...she is certified in post-pregnancy fitness and that is why I started to see her in the first place. 
She knows all about our bodies!
I miss her and wish that I had enough money to see her 3 days a week for the rest of my life!


I would do cardio 6 days a week for 30 minutes...preferably before breakfast! So I would mostly walk/run for 30 minutes or do a stair master workout. The first time Whitney told me to do the stair master for 30 minutes... EVERY OTHER STEP...I thought I was going to die. But your body can do amazing things when you put your mind to it! 2 days of the week I would do an addition 30 minutes of weight training.

I hope that this helps some of you out! Come on board with me and lets get skinny! Yay!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Well here it is! I have gotten so much feedback on facebook about this diet that I am going to blog about my journey (Later, I will include what I have been doing up to this point that has helped me lose 20 lbs)

Thanks to Pinterest, I found a blog that has inspired me: This girl is a great source for dieting, exercising, and living a healthy lifestyle. She is just so cute and has a great personality! Her and a friend created this diet which I have challenged myself to do! You can read about it HERE. You'll want to read exactly what she does!

So here's the down-low of the meal plan:(In red is how my first day went)

 meal 1

egg white omelet (1/2 cup liquid egg whites) with 1 cup broccoli. (Surprisingly tastes good when added with lite soy sauce)

meal 2
1 small can tuna with 2 cups broccoli. (tuna good, and yes that's a lot of broccoli!)

meal 3

9 oz boneless skinless steamed chicken breast and 1 cup steamed green beans. (Could only eat 7 oz and had broccoli because I didn't get green beans yet)

meal 4

1.5 scoops vanilla whey protein mixed w/ water (She was using Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein Powder in Vanilla, I use ISO Sensations-can be found at House of Fitness or online)

meal 5

9 oz boneless skinless steamed chicken breast, 2 cups romain lettuce, 1 tomato.(My favorite meal of the day. I found yummy dressing: Newman's Own Lite Sesame Ginger...deeeeelicious!)

meal 6

1.5 scoops vanilla whey protein mixed w/ water (Skipped for the first day because I didn't want to eat right before bed)

For condiments I used lite soy sauce and tabasco. For dressings, basalmic vinegar or very light vinaigrettes. I also drank TONS of water.

So that's it! A lot of protein! But I was so full all day!

One thing I am going to add to it is if I am having a crazy sweet tooth, I will allow myself 2 Hershey Kisses at dinner time. That is what my last diet that my trainer had me do, if I absolutely had to have it!

I weighed myself yesterday morning and this morning!!!! I LOST 2.6 pounds! Woah! Whenever I put my body through a major diet change, I lose weight fast the first couple of days so don't think it's going to be everyday that I lose this much! Although I am super excited!

Hope you do it with me!

Stayed tuned for more information on tips and tricks to help make the meals easier!

Thanks for reading!