
Friday, October 28, 2011

H20 + Killer Stair-Master Workout

This morning I met my Daddy-O at the Gym at 4:45 {YIKES!}

I. Was. Tired. I was glad to be there!

{Thank goodness I have someone to meet there or else I wouldn't go.}

So if you need a little motivation to get the gym...GET A FRIEND to meet you there! Believe helps!

We worked out our backs and triceps! My Dad told me to do a pull-up...uh… ya right! I can't even do one. But I will get there eventually.

I did a killer 30 minutes stair master {stair stepper, whatever you call it} workout that I put together so that it wouldn't be such a drag.

At the end I had burned a little over 350 calories! Woah!

Here it is:

{The stair stepper levels are in steps per minute but in case your gym levels by levels, I will include that too}

Note: Make sure you have water and a towel close by! YOU WILL NEED IT!!!


{total 30 mins}
Steps or Level
Feet Position
Duration {minutes}
1:00-10:0065 steps or level 4Every other step10:00 Warm-up but should be sweating by 5 minutes
10:00-11:00110 steps or level 10Every step forward1:00Needs to be hard
11:00-13:0065 steps or level 4Every step forward2:00
13:00-14:00110 steps or level 10Every step forward1:00
14:00-16:0065 steps or level 4Every step forward2:00
16:00-17:00110 steps or level 10Every step forward1:00Keeps Abs Tight
17:00-19:0065 steps or level 4Every step forward2:00
19:00-20:00110 steps or level 10Every step forward1:00Last one! Lean forward and squeeze your buttocks!!!
20:00-21:0065 steps or level 4Every other step1:00Drink water! This blue zone is not as hard but should be harder than yellow zone
21:00-22:0065 steps or level 4Every step forward1:00
22:00-23:0065 steps or level 4Every step- turn sideways and cross feet {left over right} like the grapevine1:00Hold on!

Concentrate on outer thighs
23:00-24:0065 steps or level 4Every step forward- feet wide apart1:00Feel the burn in your bootay!
24:00-25:0065 steps or level 4Every step- turn other side and cross feet {right over left} like the grapevine1:00
25:00-26:0065 steps or level 4Every other step1:00Last 5 minutes…almost done!
26:00-27:0065 steps or level 4Every step forward1:00Keep Abs Tight! This could be an abs workout too!
27:00-28:0065 steps or level 4Every step- turn sideways and cross feet {left over right} like the grapevine1:00
28:00-29:0065 steps or level 4Every step forward- feet wide apart1:00Squeeze buttocks! Lean forward a little bit!
29:00-30:0065 steps or level 4Every step- turn other side and cross feet {right over left} like the grapevine1:00
30:00-32:00-cooldown45 steps or level 2/3Every step forward2 or so Done! Done! Done!


{You can alter the steps/levels to be slower or faster. But in the red zone you should be dripping sweat so PUSH YOURSELF!!!}

SO….What do you think? Well it is AWESOME!!! And it makes 30 minutes go by fast!

Try it out and let me know how you like it!

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