
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Schweaty Treadmill Workout

6 days a week I work out! It has worked for me the past 4 months and now I am ADDICTED!

Here's my week in layout:
Monday- Run 30 minutes 3ish miles
Tuesday- Lower body weight workout/Treadmill or Stair master 30 minutes
Wednesday- Run 30 minutes 3ish miles
Thursday- Chest, Shoulders, Triceps weight workout/ Treadmill or Stair Master 30 minutes
Friday- Back, Biceps/ Treadmill or Stair Master 30 minutes
Saturday- Long run 8-10 miles
Sunday- REST+Cheat Meal {Favorite Day}

This morning I met my dad at 5:00 AM {eek!} at the Gym and we warmed-up on treadmill for 5 minutes
Then we worked out our Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps. I would list our whole workout but I can't remember the machines that we used.

After I do my weight training, I always do 30 minutes of Cardio.

I found this great treadmill workout on fitnessista's blog {amazing blog for great recipes and workouts}
IT WAS HARD!!! It was so good though. Treadmills are so boring to me, but this was not boring.
I was a little tough for me so next time I will probably start out my speed a little bit slower than what she listed.

Here is it:

Schweaty August Cardio Workout 

{click on link to go to original post on Fitnessista}

Something to do: Schweaty August Cardio Workout! This one is a combo of rolling hills and speed intervals, to get your booty burning and blast a lot of calories in 30 minutes. As always, check with a doc before making any fitness changes and modify the workout as necessary to suit your fitness level and preferences.

You can use an elliptical, spin bike or treadmill for this one:

[I designed the workout with a treadmill, but if you’re using a spin bike or elliptical use the incline as guidelines of how to increase each minute for the rolling hills, and for sprinting, make sure to have some resistance on there, too]
Time Speed Incline
0:00-4:00 3.5-4.0mph 2.5%
4:00-5:00 4.0 (walk) or 5.5 (jog) 4.0%
5:00-6:00 4.0 (walk) or 6.0 (jog) 6.0%
6:00-7:00 4.0 (walk) or 6.5 (run) 8.0%
7:00-8:00 3.8 (walk) or 5.5 (jog) 10.0%
8:00-9:00 4.0 (walk) or 6.5 (run) 8.0%
9:00-10:00 4.0 (walk) or 6.0 (jog) 6.0%
10:00-11:00 4.0 (walk) or 5.5 (jog) 4.0%
11:00-12:00 4.0 (walk) or 5.5 (jog) 2.5%
12:00-12:45 Sprint!!! As fast as you can go 2.5%
12:45-14:15 Recover 2.5%
14:15-15:00 SPRINT! 2.5%
15:00-16:30 Recover 2.5%
16:30-17:15 SPRINT! 2.5%
17:15-19:00 Recover 2.5%
19:00-20:00 SPRINT! (This is a long one, but the last one- make it count, but pace yourself) 2.5%
20:00-22:00 Recover 2.5%
22:00-27:00 Steady state- quick pace. Walk 4.0-4.2mph or run/jog 6.0-6.5mph 2.5%
27:00-30:00 Cooldown. Bring your pace down each minute, until you’re walking slowly and your heart rate is down. (This may take longer than 3 minutes, and that’s ok. Keep walking until you’re cooled down) 2.5%

Hope you try it out and let me know how you did!

P.S. 4th day on meal plan and it's going great! I haven't cheated and I feel amazing and skinny!

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